Multiple ways to integrate biometric data
Set your standards for wellness outcomes management
Includes biometric audit trail and medical waivers management
FitLyfe 360 has a comprehensive system for scheduling, conducting, and capturing biometric data.
You can use the platform to schedule screenings for your employees. Choose a provider of your choice to conduct the screening, or tap into our national network of biometric screening professionals. Screenings can be held on-site, at a doctor’s office, or from one of the national labs FitLyfe contracts with.
With all the data integrated into the system, administrators have access to complete one of the most fundamental functions in FitLyfe 360: establish rules for wellness program outcomes management.
Administrators set the standards for wellness program outcomes performance as well as establish alternative standards that enable users who don’t meet the standard an alternative way to make health improvements.
For instance, if the standard is no smoking, a smoker won’t meet the standard. An alternative could be to join a smoking cessation program.
FitLyfe 360 offers default scoring and rules for standards and alternatives, which a company can choose to accept or use their own scoring logic to be configured in FitLyfe 360. Once administrators set the rules for standards and alternatives, they choose the incentive structure they want to apply – score-based or outcomes-based – and establish award levels. Lastly, administrators create the catalog of rewards in FItMall, the award delivery platform, that will be available for users to choose when they earn the reward.
This turnkey solution is all accomplished in a matter of minutes in real time.
FitLyfe 360 fully automates biometric screening events using our Test2Go app. It provides fast check-ins using QR codes, electronic consent management, and automatic integration of biometric data from devices, including blood analyzers, CardioCheck, and Cholestech.
The app eliminates the need for importing or exporting data and data validation since all the data is automatically integrated into the platform. Outcomes are reported immediately using an iPad or other tablet and automatically populate the user’s profile.
Once the data is incorporated into FitLyfe 360, administrators can examine outcomes in two ways:
- Trend data allows you to compare year-over-year outcomes for your aggregate community of participants, or
- Examine cohorts, specific populations within your user group that you can compare over time.
This information enables administrators to understand the real health risks of their employee populations and opt for wellness programs that will address those risks.
FitLyfe 360 also offers easy administration for two other important functions: biometric audit trail, to ensure data is accurate and secure, and management of medical waivers, to ensure compliance with legal and privacy requirements.
See FitLyfe 360 in action